Life Transition Ceremonies
Thursdays in April 2025
Expand your expertise, because there is SO MUCH more to life than weddings and funerals!
Join instructor, Kristabeth Atwood, M. Div., on a deep dive into rituals that mark common, but often overlooked, and less common transitions in our lives.
Celebrant & Officiant work should encompass the
full spectrum of your clients' lives! Baby naming ceremonies, to housewarmings, divorce, pet memorials, coming out rituals, and death anniversaries are just a few life transition events that can be marked by a professionally led ceremony.
This is a brand new opportunity to improve your services + expand your business in the field of secular ceremonies. Set yourself apart from other Google-trained officiants!

SABRE DETTORE, Masters Celebrant Graduate
"This class gave me so many more tools to put into my celebrant tool belt! I’m thrilled to continue expanding the knowledge I’ve gained. The slides Kristabeth shared, they’re printed out and on my wall, in front of my face, because they apply to all aspects of writing, ritual and ceremony."
Important Learning Outcomes

Deepen Interviews
Understand the importance of your client's transition to create a more meaningful ritual experience.

Retain Clients
Explore the benefits and best practices to developing life-long relationship with your clients.

Expert Status
1-on-1 coaching on how to educate your target audience on the value of rituals performed by a professional.

Renew Confidence
Unleash your creativity in class by creating an original, secular life transition ritual with confidence.
A Pastor for People Who Don't Do Church
Kristabeth Atwood, M. Div., supports a collaborative learning style and will share her expertise while recognizing the wisdom, experience, and creativity YOU, the students, bring to the learning environment!