Success Stories

"Lois challenged me to dig deeper and improve my writing. She guided the class in such a way that we all benefitted from our collective experiences and didnā€™t feel dictated to or restricted by the notion of 'only one right way.' I appreciate both her sharing, and her humble approach."

Jamie Schiffer
Officiant & Celebrant for 20+ years

Watch Irene's Amazing Journey 

"For someone who is considering becoming a celebrant, I can’t imagine a more thorough preparation than that provided by the Celebrant Academy. I learned from people who are leaders in their field. All the instructors were generous in sharing their knowledge and passion for the work. A feeling of respect and warmth was cultivated in our cohort, a group of people I know I will always be able to reach out to for inspiration and support. And we have access to an invaluable library! I am grateful to Donna, Lois, Cely, and now Beth for providing this experience."

-Irene B., Masters Celebrant Graduate


From Mahaba Ceremonies

"Thank you so much! I am learning so much from the instructors at Celebrant Academy that I will be using to provide top-tier ceremonies for my clients!" 


(Photo credit @mahabaceremonies)

Increase Your Value & Creativity

See how Kathy Vass, Wedding Minister with Ever After Memories, found the inspiration she'd been looking for right here!


"When I first met Donna and heard her speak about the heartfelt experience that she and her team provide for their couples, I was hookedā€”I knew immediately I wanted to be a part of it. Now, as one of her newest Celebrants, I can say that the experience is everything she described: a meaningful, genuine relationship built between Celebrant and couple that culminates on wedding day. Because of the thoughtful, relevant training I receivedā€”sitting in on actual meetings, attending weddings, and having access to a vast collection of helpful materials created by Donna over the yearsā€”I felt thoroughly scaffolded for success from the start. Receiving an enthusiastically positive review from my very first couple let me know the training had truly paid off. "

Kiera Wilhelm
Wedding Celebrant
"Before I found the Celebrant Academy, I was committed to doing this work without really knowing HOW. I was terrified of not doing a good enough job of writing or delivering someone’s marriage ceremony! It’s a super important job and one I felt very nervous about messing up. I have learned so much in such a short time! I feel completely confident and excited about delivering my first ceremony. I am so glad I found the Celebrant’s Academy. It is a total game changer!"


(Photo credit: Lindsay Jane Photography and Elope Montana. Sarah Harding pictured center.)

"Donna Forsytheā€™s experience as a teacher, administrator and storyteller provide her with an ideal background to be an incredible Celebrant, and to help others learn it and love it too! Donna patiently explained the process to me, allowed shadowing and mentorship opportunities, and shared her outstanding written materials. She provides a system for staying organized, keeping appropriate financial records, and marketing yourself. She is constantly providing new ideas to help her students keep current with the market."

Laura Eppler
Lehigh Valley Celebrants

"I have learned so much from Celebrant Academy, and have always felt welcomed and supported. From the history of celebrancy and Humanism to the psychology of ritual, from the structure of ceremonies to the purely business aspects of being a celebrant, Celebrant Academy has given me the knowledge I need to follow my dream of becoming a Humanist Celebrant."


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